CMSC661 Project Demo Guidelines
Schedule -- If you have not picked a time slot, do so asap.
At the time of the demo, you will need to submit a project report
consisting of the documentation on the following:
Design: a high level description of your application; types of users and
their information needs; type of data stored within the database to macth
those needs; All of this must point to a set of specific system requirements.
Include your ER Diagram, the set of tables, keys, constraints, triggers
and any other detail.
System Functionalities (matching requirements from the design phase for
all types of users -- DBAs and end users)
5 Typical queries for your system (for each, show SQL statement, SQL code,
and results)
3 Reports for your application showing aggregate performance/stats based
on metrics appropriate for your application (for instance, profit per quarter
or average users hit by a particular disaster or average disaster relief
expenditure in a given time frame or maximum bid for an item in a given
time frame or maximum sales in a given time frame or worst player of the
An evaluation of the software used.
Contribution log
You may also include sample program code for creating the database, any
scripts for generating and loading data into your database, sample code
for constraints and triggers (No need to include all of the source code)
At the demo:
You will be asked to show source code; to insert/delete/update data in
your database; to run your sample queries; to justify your design. I'll
be looking for completeness in design and implementation.
Project credit breakdown:
Each project gets a grade and will be shared by the teammates according
to their contribution
Design 30%
Implementation using Web-front end and OIT's Oracle back-end
System Functionalities 25%
5 Queries
3 Reports
Quality of Implementation 10%
Demo Presentation & Quality of the Report 5%