
Details can be found by following these links:

CSEE Research Day :

talk: Ron Ross (NIST) on Cybersecurity, 6pm Wed 4/30

UMBC Information Systems Security Association Seminar Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure in Cybersecurity Dr. Ron Ross, NIST 6:00-8:00pm Wednesday, 30 April 20014 Meyerhoff...

Posted: April 28, 2014, 11:46 PM

talk: White House Climate Data Initiative, 3pm Tue 4/29

Center for Hybrid Multicore Productivity Research Distinguished Computational Science Lecture Series The White House Climate Data Initiative Eric Letvin Director, Disaster and Failure...

Posted: April 26, 2014, 7:57 AM

Graduate Cybersecurity Internships at NCCoE

The NIST National Cybersecurity Center for Excellence (NCCoE) is seeking full- and part-time paid interns from UMBC graduate students studying cybersecurity at the Universities at Shady Grove...

Posted: April 24, 2014, 9:34 PM

ACTIVE Center Open House, 4-5 Mon 4/28, ENGR 231

ACTIVE Center Open House 4:00-5:00pm Monday, 28 April 2014 in ENGR 231 The ACTIVE Center (Engineering 231) is a new classroom that was created by the CSEE Department with support from the...

Posted: April 24, 2014, 12:34 AM