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CSEE Research Day :

Showing items tagged ai. Show All

PhD defense: Knowledge Graphs & Reinforcement Learning,

a Hybrid Approach for Cybersecurity Tasks

Ph.D. Dissertation Defense Knowledge Graphs and Reinforcement Learning: a Hybrid Approach for Cybersecurity Tasks Aritran Piplai 10:00am -12:00pm ET, Monday July 10, 2023...

Posted: July 8, 2023, 1:20 PM

Is Humanity on the Brink? A Talk About AI

Anupam Joshi and Bobby Zirkin explore AI's benefits & risks

UMBC's Anupam Joshi discussed Artificial Intelligence and its future benefits and risks with former Maryland state Senator Bobby Zirkin in the third segment of his new weekly podcast. You can...

Posted: June 27, 2023, 5:15 PM

Building AI We Can Trust

The AI apocalypse is coming. Or it isn't.

Building AI We Can Trust The AI apocalypse is coming. Or it isn't. Depending on what you read, you might get confused. One thing is certain: Humans are fired up about smart machines. Much...

Posted: June 14, 2023, 4:50 PM

Robots are everywhere

Improving communication with people advances collaboration

Robots are everywhere - improving how they communicate with people could advance human-robot collaboration 'Emotionally intelligent' robots could improve their interactions with...

Posted: April 27, 2023, 11:11 AM