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CSEE Research Day :

Showing items tagged graduate. Show All

MS defense: Feature Extraction using a Hierarchical...

Full Title: MS defense: Feature Extraction using a Hierarchical Growing Neural Gas M.S. Thesis Defense Announcement Feature Extraction using a Hierarchical Growing Neural Gas Roger Guseman...

Posted: April 24, 2011, 10:51 PM

MS defense: Problem selection of program tracing...

Full Title: MS defense: Problem selection of program tracing tasks in an intelligent tutoring system Master's Thesis Defense Announcement Problem Selection of Program Tracing Tasks in an...

Posted: April 22, 2011, 8:48 PM

Maryland Cyber Conference and Challenge (MDC3)

The Maryland Cyber Challenge and Conference site is up and student teams can now register for the competition, with the first qualifying round early in September. It is a chance to demonstrate...

Posted: April 20, 2011, 2:55 PM

Semantic Analysis of XML Schema Matching for B2B...

Full Title: Semantic Analysis of XML Schema Matching for B2B (Dissertation Defense) PhD Dissertation Defense Announcement A Semantic Analysis of XML Schema Matching for B2B Systems...

Posted: April 18, 2011, 2:33 PM

CSEE IT Jobs Summer 2011 and Beyond

The CSEE Department at UMBC has IT job positions available.  The positions include a Web Administrator and System Administrator.  Full descriptions for each position below.  Details include how to...

Posted: April 13, 2011, 4:01 PM