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CSEE Research Day :

Showing items tagged computer-science. Show All

Tresys Technology Scholarship for UMBC computing students

Tresys Technology, a provider of technology and engineering services for customers with high-security requirements, announced the "Tresys Technology Scholarship" for UMBC students. The merit-based...

Posted: April 5, 2013, 2:07 PM

Council of Computing Majors to meet 3pm Wed 2/20, ITE 210

Make friends and talk code!  The UMBC Council of Computing Majors will hold its first meeting of the year at 3:00pm on Wednesday, February 20 in ITE 210 on Main Street in the Commons.  CCM is an...

Posted: February 18, 2013, 8:24 PM

JOBS: Paid internship at NASA Goddard

The NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Global Inventory Modeling and Mapping Studies Group in Greenbelt, MD is looking for a smart, eager and motivated undergraduate student to intern and support...

Posted: February 15, 2013, 5:02 PM