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Professional Development Opportunity: AI & Careers in Tech

Free College Pathways Discover AI program, apply by Sept. 14

Professional Development Opportunity:
Artificial Intelligence & Careers in Tech

UMBC and nonprofit AI4ALL have partnered to offer UMBC undergraduate students the opportunity to apply to the free College Pathways Discover AI program. 

Apply online by Wednesday, September 14, 2022

  • The Discover AI program runs from September 30 to December 9 and include  weekly synchronous and asynchronous Instruction. Review the program's application page for more details.
  • Discover AI is a virtual program in partnership with select schools that provides students with a project-based introduction to computer science, machine learning, data, artificial intelligence and tech careers through the lens of societal and ethics impact. In addition, students get access to AI industry leaders and are guided through a roadmap with the goal of cultivating a future career in the AI industry.
  • What are both the positive and negative implications of AI technology on society? How can (and does) AI affect communities in today's world?  Through research, discussions, and reflection, you will explore the intersectionality of AI with other fields and articulate your own mindful perspective of AI. The program is facilitated at no cost to students.
  • Students that complete the program will emerge with actionable next steps in pursuing an academic or career path in AI - and the opportunity to continue in the following semester to our second program, Apply AI and direct mentorship from industry leaders in the AI and tech industry from companies like Google, Capital One, Facebook, Slalom Consulting, Accenture, Pearson, and more.
  • At the end of the  Discover AI program, participants receive an AI4ALL Discover AI certificate of completion.
  • The program is designed for Freshman, Sophomores, and Juniors with any level of coding and/or Computing/AI experience,  including everything from none to advanced.
  • For computing majors, the program is a great supplement to your existing course work.
  • Other majors are welcome as well! If accepted, you will have the opportunity to learn more about AI in a safe and thoughtful environment that offers you the opportunity to consider AI as a future career option and as a presence in your major industry/discipline
  • AI4ALL programs are designed to bring together and highlight voices that have been historically excluded, and that will lead and shape the future of AI.
 Apply online by Wednesday, September 14, 2022.

For more information, contact ai4all@csee.umbc.edu

Posted: August 31, 2022, 6:46 PM