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Prof. Sanorita Dey and students receive "Kudos" from ACM

For paper on helping farmers adopt new technology solutions

CSEE Professor Sanorita Dey and graduate students Lokesh Medarametla and Saquib Ahmed had a recent paper featured in the Kudos ACM Showcase, which highlights recent research from ACM journals and conferences on computing and and information technology.  

The research by Dr. Dey and her students focused on the perceptions of adopting technology-driven solutions by global-south farmers. In the uncertain world of shrimp farming in India, technology-driven solutions can play a vital role. What actions can be taken to make advanced technologies more accessible for global-south farmers?

See their paper's ACM Kudos page and follow its links to the full paper, Why should I bother to break the norm?: Exploring the Prospects of Adopting Technology-Driven Solutions by Indian Shrimp Farmersin the Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction and a presentation given by Lokesh Medarametla at the 2023 ACM SIGCHI Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing.

Posted: October 25, 2023, 12:13 PM