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Talk: 3D digital models to facilitate discoveries 1:30 12/18

Monday 1:30-2:30 pm ET in ITE 325b

3D digital models to facilitate new discoveries and virtual reality environments in the classroom

Matthew Brennan
Indiana University

1:30-2:30 ET, Monday 18 December, 2023
ITE 325b, UMBC

This talk will present a number of case studies in digital humanities, with particular emphasis on the potential of 3D digital models to facilitate new discoveries and virtual reality environments to extend student experience in the classroom.

Matthew Brennan is a PhD candidate (ABD) in Informatics at Indiana University. Matt's research focuses on the application of technologies (particularly immersive technologies, like virtual reality) to traditionally 'humanities' fields such as art history, archeology, and architectural history. His background is in architectural design and architectural history, and Matt has taught undergraduate- and graduate-level courses at Indiana University. In 2019-2020, Matthew received a 1-year Rome Prize in Historic Preservation and Conservation at the American Academy in Rome, to pursue research on the dissertation topic: the South Theater of Hadrian's Villa.  You can view demonstrations of some emerging technologies for 3D representations of captured real-world scenes on his YouTube site.

Posted: December 14, 2023, 4:19 PM