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MS defense: Numerical Integration Techniques for Volume Rendering

MS Thesis Defense

Numerical Integration Techniques for Volume Rendering

Preeti Bindu

10:00am Monday, 7 May 2012, ITE 352, UMBC

Medical image visualization often relies on 3D volume rendering. To enable interaction with 3D rendering of medical scans, improvements in the performance of Volume Rendering Algorithms need significant attention. Real-time visualization of 3D image data set is one of the key tasks of Augmented Reality Systems required by many medical imaging applications. Over past five years the development of the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) has proved beneficial when it comes to Real Time Volume Rendering. We propose a GPU based volume rendering system for medical images using adaptive integration to improve performance. Our system is able to read and render DICOM images, implementing adaptive integration techniques that increase frame rate for volume rendering with the same quality of output images.

Committee: Dr. Marc Olano (advisor), Dr. Penny Rheingans and Dr. Samir Chettri

Posted: May 7, 2012, 9:09 AM