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New Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer, an Inspiration for Computer Science Women

(Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

"Despite the growing numbers of successful women in once male-dominated professions like medicine and law, computer science remains overwhelmingly a boys club."

So says a recent NPR article that discusses the arrival of Marissa Mayer as Yahoo's new president and CEO. As one of Google's first employees, Mayer helped develop Gmail, Google Maps, and Google's iconic homepage. She worked at Google for thirteen years, and launched more than 100 features and products that you probably use on a daily basis.

In the NPR interview, Mayer says she never really noticed that she was the only woman in her Computer Science classes. At Stanford, Mayer studied Symbolic Systems as an undergraduate, and left with her Master's in Computer Science.

According to NPR, Mayer's success has the potential to become a source of inspiration for other women in Computer Science. What do you think? Are you inspired by Mayer's story? Why do you think there aren't more powerful women in the Computer Science field?

Posted: July 19, 2012, 9:20 AM