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Dinghade MS defense: Approach to Unwrap a 3D Fingerprint to a 2D Equivalent

MS Defense

Approach to Unwrap a 3D Fingerprint to a 2D Equivalent

Ravikiran Dighade

10:00am Thursday, 2 August 2012, ITE 352

Fingerprints are the most widely used biometric feature for human identification because of their accuracy and uniqueness. Traditional fingerprint acquisition techniques are contact based and result in poor quality images. The new generation of non-contact based scanners captures high resolution and detailed 3D fingerprint scan, which addresses many of the problems of traditional fingerprint acquisition techniques. The majority of existing fingerprint databases available today are 2D, so there is a need for backward compatibility for the 3D scans captured. In order to solve this interoperability issue, I present an algorithm to unwrap the 3D fingerprint to its 2D equivalent image to be able used in an Automatic Fingerprint Identification System.

Program Committee: Drs. Marc Olano (Advisor, Chair), Penny Rheingans and Dr. Gymama Slaughter

Posted: August 1, 2012, 4:52 PM