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Forbes names Baltimore one of “America’s Coolest Cities”

We’ve known it all along, but now it’s official: we’re cool.

At least, Forbes thinks so.

The magazine rated the country’s 65 largest Metropolitan Statistical Areas and Metropolitan Divisions and came up with a list of the top 20 coolest cities in America. Among the expected winners like New York, NY (#10), San Francisco, CA (#9), and Washington D.C. (#2), was Baltimore at a solid #14.

Cities were rated in seven areas: Arts & Culture Index (entertainment value), Recreation Index (which factors in green space, college sports teams, and recreational opportunities), Diversity Index, Number of Local Eats, Median Age, Unemployment, and 2011 Net Migration.

Here are the stats for Charm City:

M.S.A.: Baltimore-Towson, MD
Arts & Culture Index: 96 (out of 100)
Recreation Index: 98 (out of 100)
Diversity Index: 57 (out of 100)
Number of Local Eats: 4,451
Median Age: 38
Unemployment: 7.1%
2011 Net Migration: 4,610 people

Check out the rest of this list here. You might be surprised at the #1 coolest city in America.

What do you think is the coolest thing about Baltimore?


Posted: August 2, 2012, 10:01 AM