Rick Forno speaking at Cyber Education Symposium

CSEE’s Dr. Richard Forno, Cybersecurity GPD and Assistant Director of UMBC’s Center for Cybersecurity, is speaking at the NCSI Cybersecurity Education Symposium in Arlington, Virginia on Tuesday, November 19th. The panel session, “Creating the Cyber Curricula for Success” will explore the interdisciplinary nature of cybersecurity and cybersecurity education at the undergraduate and graduate levels and discuss the right balance of disciplines, knowledge, skills, and attributes required to prepare future cybersecurity practitioners.
Also speaking later that day are Ellen Hemmerly (Executive Director and President, UMBC Research Park Corporation) and Kent Malwitz (President, UMBC Training Centers) on a panel session entitled “The Business Model for a Cybersecurity Program.”
Posted: November 18, 2013, 7:40 AM