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Startup City to stimulate urban entrepreneurship in...

Full Title: Startup City to stimulate urban entrepreneurship in Baltimore

Baltimore's Startup City

Baltimore entrepreneur and computer programmer Mike Subelsky wants to help strengthen the IT startup community in Baltimore and has created Startup City to give it jolt. The effort will fund up to ten groups that will receive free space, seed money and mentoring to develop their ideas during the summer of 2011.

The planning document describes what the program will offer the ten groups:

  • $15,000 in seed capital
  • Weekly master classes with experienced entrepreneurs
  • Regular access to mentors
  • Introductions to potential customers and follow-on investors
  • Free, beautiful office space collocated with the other participating companies
  • Legal, accounting, marketing, and technical assistance from Baltimore’s Emerging Technology Center
  • Vigorous coverage of their stories in our blog via video and written profiles
  • Exposure to investors, journalists, and business leaders at a Demo Day occurring at the end of the 12 weeks

See recent articles in in bmore and the Baltimore Sun.

"Applicants to Startup City, who will be selected based on a YouTube video they submit to the program's website, can be from anywhere in the world — though Baltimoreans are equally encouraged to apply. The final ten, chosen by consensus of all the mentors and investors involved in the program (after Beeman and Subelsky narrow down the initial pool) can be anyone from a single person with an idea to a formed team or company. Startup City is looking mainly for those who will be able to execute a successful project in twelve short weeks."


Posted: March 9, 2011, 1:29 PM