UMBC-USNA teams share progress on cybersecurity research at symposium

Karuna Joshi (UMBC) and Seung Geol Choi (USNA) present during the USNA-UMBC Partnership Symposium. Photo by Marlayna Demond ’11 for UMBC.
UMBC and U.S. Naval Academy (USNA) faculty researchers presented updates on five collaborative cybersecurity projects funded by the Office of Naval Research (ONR) during the inaugural USNA-UMBC Partnership Symposium, hosted by UMBC’s Office the Vice President for Research on March 22, 2016. The five projects presented are supported by three-year grants from the ONR, most of which are entering their second year of funding.
When the joint research initiative launched a year ago, Karl V. Steiner, vice president for research at UMBC, described it as “the start of a long-term partnership.” The recent symposium was the first formal opportunity for the research teams to formally present their progress on tackling major cybersecurity challenges outlined when the partnership began.
Read more about the joint research and symposium here.
Posted: April 8, 2016, 9:49 AM