UMBC students demonstrate smartphone applications, 12:30-2:30 Tue 5/10

Student groups drawn from two UMBC classes will demonstrate twelve mobile applications they developed as projects from 12:30 to 2:30 on Tuesday, 10 May 2016 in the UC Ballroom. Pizza will be provided.
The projects are a result of an innovative collaboration between a computer science class lead by Professor Nilanjan Banerjee (CMSC 678 Mobile Computing) and a visual arts class lead by Professor Viviana Chacon (ART 434 Advanced Interface Design).
The two faculty were awarded a grant from the fall 2015 round of the Hrabowski Fund for Innovation competition to develop and evaluate the collaboration between the two courses. The classes held regular joint sessions and each project group comprised students from both Engineering and Visual Arts.
In ART 434 Prof. Cordova concentrated on the visual experience of the interface in mobile and desktop applications, while in CMSC 628 Prof. Banerjee provided the tools necessary to design and implement mobile applications. Specific mobile development topics such as user interface design and implementation, accessing and displaying sensor and location data, and mobile visual design were co-‐taught by both instructors. Teams comprising Engineering and Visual Arts students designed and built mobile applications for local clients in Baltimore and Washington DC area.
A poster describing the event has brief descriptions of the twelve class projects.
Posted: May 3, 2016, 12:37 PM