Consider pursuing an advanced degree in computing
Watch these short videos on the benefits of pursuing a PhD
The Computing Research Association has published five short videos to explain the benefits of pursuing a PhD in a computing discipline. The videos showcase young researchers with PhDs who are now working in industry as they talk about what compelled them to pursue a doctorate and how they are using their advanced training in their work. The videos illustrate how a PhD is useful in industry as well as in academia.
Click to watch all five videos or select one below.
Click to watch all five videos or select one below.
- Video 1: Adrienne Porter Felt (PhD Berkeley) talks about her work on security at Google.
- Video 2: Hoda Eldardiry (PhD Purdue) talks about her work on predictive analytics, using machine learning and data mining at Palo Alto Research Center (PARC)
- Video 3: Susanna Ricco (PhD Duke) and Mac Mason (PhD Duke) at Google talk about their work in robotics and vision.
- Video 4: Richard Socher (PhD Stanford) talks about his work in artificial intelligence at Salesforce.
- Video 5: Tiffany Chen (PhD Stanford) talks about her work in bioinformatics at Cytobank.
Posted: August 30, 2016, 6:00 PM