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An Evening With General Michael Hayden, USAF (Ret.),...

Full Title: An Evening With General Michael Hayden, USAF (Ret.), 6pm 10/27, ITE 102

Cybersecurity Guest Lecture

An Evening With General Michael Hayden, USAF (Ret.)

6:00-8:00pm Thursday, 27 Oct. 2011
Room 102, Information Technology and Engineering

UMBC is proud to announce this opportunity for students and faculty to meet with General Hayden to hear his perspectives and discuss current issues regarding cybersecurity. The evening is sponsored by Next Century Corporation.

Former NSA and CIA director General Michael Hayden will discuss the evolution of technology from World War II to the present and outline the challenges this evolution presents to national security organizations. He will address the timely issues of cybersecurity and cyberwarfare, stress the role of education in preparing the intelligence community workforce to deal with cyber concerns, and share anecdotal stories of his time as Director of both the CIA and NSA in meeting these challenges facing the nation. General Hayden is happy to answer questions and make this an engaging, informative, and interactive evening.

Refreshments will be furnished by Next Century Corporation.

RSVP REQUIRED: Space is limited, with preference given to graduate CYBR, CSEE, and IS students and faculty. Please RSVP to Allison Jones (Sorry, you need javascript to view this email address. ) by October 25th if you plan to attend.

General Michael Hayden, USAF (Ret.), served as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency and was the nation’s first Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence. He retired from the CIA in February 2009, and is now a Principal in the Chertoff Group, a security consultancy co-founded by former Secretary of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff. General Hayden also serves as a Distinguished Visiting Professor at George Mason University School of Public Policy and in an advisory capacity to several organizations focused on national security.

General Hayden retired from a distinguished thirty-nine year career in the United States Air Force on July 1, 2008. In addition to his senior intelligence community assignments, he served as Commander of the Air Intelligence Agency, Director of the Joint Command and Control Warfare Center, and Chief of the Central Security Service.

General Hayden graduated from Duquesne University with a Bachelor’s degree in history in 1967 and a Master’s degree in modern American history in 1969.

Posted: October 6, 2011, 4:26 PM