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MS Defense: Face Recognition for Mass Disaster Victims

MS Thesis Defense Face Recognition using Gabor Jets for Images of Mass Disaster Victims Kavita Dabke 11:00am Friday, 10 June 2011, ITE 325B Mass disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis,...

Posted: June 8, 2011, 12:42 PM

PhD proposal: Improving traffic flow forecasts for...

Full Title: PhD proposal: Improving traffic flow forecasts for road networks with data assimilation Ph.D. Dissertation Proposal Improving traffic flow forecasts for road networks with data...

Posted: June 7, 2011, 12:43 PM

MS defense: Gas Detection and Concentration...

Full Title: MS defense: Gas Detection and Concentration Estimation via Mid-IR-based Gas Detection System Analysis Model MSEE Thesis Defense On Gas Detection and Concentration Estimation via...

Posted: June 3, 2011, 8:50 PM

PhD Proposal: Generating Linked Data by inferring the...

Full Title: PhD Proposal: Generating Linked Data by inferring the semantics of tables Ph.D. Preliminary Examination Generating Linked Data by inferring the semantics of tables Varish Mulwad...

Posted: May 24, 2011, 5:37 PM

Equation Modeling in Resting State Motor Network in...

Full Title: Equation Modeling in Resting State Motor Network in Healthy Subjects, MS defense, Tejaswini Kavallappa MSEE Thesis Defense Reliability of Structural Equation Modeling in Examining...

Posted: May 15, 2011, 9:27 AM

Group Recognition in Social Networking Systems, MS...

Full Title: Group Recognition in Social Networking Systems, MS Defense by Nagapradeep Chinnam MS Thesis Defense Group Recognition in Social Networking Systems Nagapradeep Chinnam 1:30pm...

Posted: May 14, 2011, 9:08 AM

Community Detection in Twitter, MS defense by Mohit...

Full Title: Community Detection in Twitter, MS defense by Mohit Kewalramani, 1pm Mon 5/16 MS Thesis Defense Community Detection in Twitter Mohit Kewalramani 1:00pm Monday, 16 May 2011,...

Posted: May 10, 2011, 2:41 PM

MS defense: Lohr on Semantic Light, 2:15 Thu 5/12

MS Thesis Defense Semantic Light: Building Blocks Charles Lohr 2:15pm Thursday, 12 May 2011, ITE 346 The concept of Semantic Light is simply that lighting systems can be aware of what they...

Posted: May 9, 2011, 2:02 PM

MS defense: Mahale on Group Centric Information...

Full Title: MS defense: Mahale on Group Centric Information Sharing, 10am Tue MS Thesis Defense Group Centric Information Sharing using Hierarchical Models Amit Mahale 10:00am Tuesday,...

Posted: May 8, 2011, 4:11 PM