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CSEE Research Day, call for submissions by 3/29

Submit material for talks, papers, and posters

UMBC CSEE Research Day 2023  

Call for Faculty Talks, Student Research Papers, and Student Posters

Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
University of Maryland, Baltimore County  

9-4 Friday, May 5, 2023
Atrium, ECS Building, and online  

The Event 

2023 CSEE Research Day celebrates the research accomplishments made by UMBC CSEE faculty and students in the 2022-2023 academic year. A single track will combine computer science, electrical engineering, computer engineering, cybersecurity, and data science. The event will take place from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm on Friday, May 5, in the ECS Atrium, with talks presented remotely. It will include research talks by UMBC students and faculty, student research awards, lunch, and a student poster session. The event is free and open to the public.

What to Submit  

Faculty Talks. We seek UMBC CSEE faculty to present their best research accomplishments from 2022-2023. There will be five faculty talks, each 20 minutes long. The talks should describe recent concrete research accomplishments (not ongoing research) that are understandable to most CSEE faculty. Submit your name, lab, talk title, and informative abstract in ASCII (maximum 350 words).

Student Research Prizes and Talks. We invite UMBC CSEE undergraduate and graduate students to have their best research papers considered for the prizes ($100 gift certificate each) of Best Undergraduate Research, Best MS Research, and  Best Ph.D. Research. Winners will present their research in 20-minute talks. Submit name, lab, title, informative abstract (in ASCII), one technical report (a pdf file), one description of research novelty/impact, and a letter of approval from your advisor. To qualify, the work must have been written, submitted, or accepted for publication in a refereed conference or journal between April 1, 2022 - March 31,  2023. Prizes are awarded to the research rather than individuals. Award criteria include:

  1. Scientific merit (significance, originality, non-triviality, correctness, completeness) of a single submitted paper
  2. Effective technical writing (clarity, proper English usage, organization), with some preference in close cases given to  students awarded degrees in 2022-2023

Student Research Posters and Prizes. We seek UMBC CSEE undergraduate and graduate students to present their best research accomplishments from 2022-2023 in posters. Submit name, lab, poster title, and informative abstract in ASCII (at most 350 words)  approved by your research advisor. Prizes ($50 gift certificate each) to the best three posters, voted by professors based on scientific merit and effective presentation, using range voting.

Deadlines & Submission Details 

Electronic submissions will be through the Microsoft Conference Management Toolkit (CMT).

March 29 (12noon):  Faculty talks, student research, and poster submissions due

April 10:  Program, awards, and posters will be announced

Organizers: Karen Lorenz, Dr. Alan T. Sherman, Dr. Roberto Yus, Dr. Rebecca Williams, Dr. Ryan Robucci

Posted: March 22, 2023, 11:05 AM