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HackUMBC: 24-hour collegiate-level hackathon, Sept 23-24

HackUMBC, September 23-24, ISLB

HackUMBC is a 24-hour collegiate-level hackathon organized by undergraduates at UMBC. This exciting technological innovation event offers a wide range of workshops, including AI/ML, Web Development, Python, and more, catering to students of all skill levels, even those without prior experience. It aims to engage in helping students learn and build their skill sets through these workshops and take on developing technological projects with mentorship assistance all weekend long. This is an opportunity for students to interact with and build connections with industry professionals and UMBC faculty, allowing them to gain practical advice and valuable insight into the industry.

It will provide students with catered meals and entertainment to foster a sense of community within the innovative community that is present throughout our hackathon. We are expecting a turnout of around 500+ participants and sponsors such as Northrop Gruman, T. Rowe Price, and Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory this year who are all excited to see what the hackers are building. We would love to have students showcase their innovation and creativity while fostering their technological skills throughout the event.

In addition to participation, there are also volunteering positions at hackUMBC. This is a great opportunity for students to get involved in the event's organization and gain valuable experience in event management, logistics, and teamwork. Volunteers will have the chance to work closely with the organizing team, assist workshop facilitators, and ensure a smooth and successful event for all participants.

We understand the demands of a hackathon, both mentally and physically. To ensure participants' well-being, hackUMBC provides complimentary snacks and meals throughout the event, ensuring that no one goes hungry. Additionally, we organize enjoyable activities to help students unwind and foster camaraderie. These activities include cup stacking competitions and gaming tournaments (historically Valorant and Super Smash Bros), creating a fun and engaging environment.

For the latest updates on the event check out the hackUMBC website and Instagram page.

Posted: September 9, 2023, 1:38 PM