New! CMSC 291, Continued Computer Science for Non-Majors
Fall 2019, Lecture Section 01
Are you a non-computer science, non-computer engineering major who would like more computing experience? Have you completed CMSC 201 Computer Science I with a C or better?
Enroll in CMSC 291, a continuation of CMSC 201 developed specifically for non-CS, non-CE majors.
This 3-credit course is a continuation of problem solving and programming in the popular Python
language. Assignments and projects will emphasize topics applicable to many non-CS disciplines, such as data visualization, working with large data sets, database usage, and using applicable Python libraries.
This course is restricted to non-computer science, non-computer engineering majors. Visit our website for more information about this unique opportunity!
Posted: May 10, 2019, 5:06 PM