Student Spotlight

Showing items tagged undergraduate. Show All

Getting to Know CSEE at UMBC

Welcome class of 2016! We're so glad you chose to study Computer Science or Computer Engineering at UMBC! Now that you're here, we thought you might like a little tour of our department so that...

Posted: August 2, 2012, 3:03 PM

Baltimore Hackathon: meet people, build stuff, have fun

The Second Baltimore Hackathon will be held this weekend, starting at 6:00pm Friday June 8 and ending at 6:00pm Sunday. At a hackathon people get together to build a hardware or software project...

Posted: June 6, 2012, 5:22 PM

Google’s Blockly visual programming environment

Blockly is new web-based, graphical programming language developed by Google. It's graphical in the style of Scratch in that you create a program not as a linguistic object, but by selecting and...

Posted: June 3, 2012, 3:34 PM

UMBC ACM student chapter elects new officers

The UMBC student chapter of the ACM met last week to elect a new slate of officers for the 2012-13 academic year. Outgoing preseident Yasaman Haghpanah officiated the election meeting. Elected...

Posted: May 28, 2012, 9:25 AM