Student Spotlight

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JOB: Autodesk Scaleform (Greenbelt, MD)

Autodesk Scaleform, makers of popular user interface libraries for video games, have two positions open in their Greenbelt, MD office: Graphics/Rendering Engineer:...

Posted: September 24, 2013, 2:15 PM

JOB: Autodesk Scaleform (Greenbelt, MD)

Autodesk Scaleform, makers of popular user interface libraries for video games, have two positions open in their Greenbelt, MD office: Graphics/Rendering Engineer:...

Posted: September 24, 2013, 2:15 PM

JOB: Autodesk Scaleform (Greenbelt, MD)

Autodesk Scaleform, makers of popular user interface libraries for video games, have two positions open in their Greenbelt, MD office: Graphics/Rendering Engineer:...

Posted: September 24, 2013, 2:15 PM

JOB: Autodesk Scaleform (Greenbelt, MD)

Autodesk Scaleform, makers of popular user interface libraries for video games, have two positions open in their Greenbelt, MD office: Graphics/Rendering Engineer:...

Posted: September 24, 2013, 2:15 PM

Today is the 66th anniversary of the first computer bug

Sixty-six years ago today (on 1947-09-09) operators of the Mark II Aiken Relay Computer being tested at Harvard found a dead moth trapped between points of Relay #70 in Panel F. Dr. Grace Hopper...

Posted: September 10, 2013, 12:23 PM

Today is the 66th anniversary of the first computer bug

Sixty-six years ago today (on 1947-09-09) operators of the Mark II Aiken Relay Computer being tested at Harvard found a dead moth trapped between points of Relay #70 in Panel F. Dr. Grace Hopper...

Posted: September 10, 2013, 12:23 PM

Today is the 66th anniversary of the first computer bug

Sixty-six years ago today (on 1947-09-09) operators of the Mark II Aiken Relay Computer being tested at Harvard found a dead moth trapped between points of Relay #70 in Panel F. Dr. Grace Hopper...

Posted: September 10, 2013, 12:23 PM

JOB: 2013 Google Summer of Code program

If you have good programming skills and are looking for an interesting alternative to the usual summer internship, you might check out the Google Summer of Code program. It pays student developers...

Posted: April 25, 2013, 10:46 PM

JOB: 2013 Google Summer of Code program

If you have good programming skills and are looking for an interesting alternative to the usual summer internship, you might check out the Google Summer of Code program. It pays student developers...

Posted: April 25, 2013, 10:46 PM