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Registration open for the 2022 hackUMBC hackathon

Saturday and Sunday, 1-2 October 2022 in the ILSB building

Registration is now open for the 2022 hackUMBC hackathon, which takes place on campus on Saturday and Sunday, 1-2 October 2022 in the ILSB building.

Join hackUMBC for our 24-hour hackathon event where we challenge our ideas to come to life! Collaborate with other students and pick up some new skills in our workshop sessions!

With lots of fun activities, over $5,000 in prizes, and swag for all participants, you will be in for an exciting weekend.

There will be four tracks focused on different areas: data analysis and visualization, hardware systems, AI/machine learning, and general ideas that don't fit the other three.

For more information, see the hackUMBC site.

Posted: September 17, 2022, 9:02 PM