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Building AI We Can Trust

The AI apocalypse is coming. Or it isn't.

Building AI We Can Trust

The AI apocalypse is coming. Or it isn't. Depending on what you read, you might get confused.

One thing is certain: Humans are fired up about smart machines. Much of the attention has focused on ChatGPT, an "artificial intelligence language model designed to generate human-like responses to natural language prompts" (in its own words). ChatGPT gets coy if you ask whether its existence should be cause for human concern. "It's important to recognize that I am a tool and not inherently good or bad. It's how people choose to use me that can have positive or negative consequences," it says. 

Many researchers, however, are not so noncommittal. They see inherent flaws in the machine learning technology that forms the foundation of tools such as ChatGPT, and they would like to make it better.

Read more about this in this UMBC Magazine article.

Posted: June 14, 2023, 4:50 PM