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BmoreFail: failure is not an option; it’s a requirement

The Greater Baltimore Technology Council is hosting a very interesting event on Friday, April 20th called BmoreFail — a conference celebrating failure. Entrepreneurs, investors, developers, students, designers, and others from across the innovation and creative communities will come together to learn from their failure and that of others. BmoreFail is modeled after San Francisco's famous FailCon conference.

The first 20 UMBC students who register using the promotion code XYZZYXYZZY will get the registration waived. (We've redacted the promo code in this post — CSEE students should check their email.) If you're not one of the first 20, you'll have to pay an unlucky $13 to get in.

The event will be held from aa:00am to 5:00pm in Baltimore's Du Burns Arena, located in the Canton neighborhood at 1301 South Ellwood Avenue.

BmoreFail will bring together more than 300 entrepreneurs, investors, developers, students, designers, and others from across the innovation and creative communities to share their failures and learn from the failures of others. It promises to be an exciting event that will help build momentum in Baltimore's entrepreneurial, innovation community.

Register and get more information at the BmoreFail web site.

Posted: April 9, 2012, 4:57 PM