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MS thesis defense: Abbas on Federating Disjoint Wireless Networks Using a Mix of Stationary and Mobile Nodes


MS Thesis Defense

Federating Disjoint Wireless Networks
Using a Mix of Stationary and Mobile Nodes

Ahmad Abbas

12:00PM Thursday 26th July 2012, Room ITE 325b

In many applications need arises to connect a set of disjoint nodes or segments. Examples include repairing a partitioned network topology after failure, federating a set of standalone networks to serve an emerging event, and connecting a sparsely located data sources. Contemporary solutions either deploy stationary relay nodes (RN) to form data paths or employ one or multiple mobile data collectors (MDCs) that pick packets from sources and transport them to destinations. In this thesis we investigate the interconnection problem when the number of available RNs is insufficient for forming a stable topology and a mix of RNs and MDCs is to be used. We present two algorithms for determining where the RNs are to be placed and planning optimized travel routes for the MDCs so that the data delivery latency as well as the MDC motion overhead are minimized. The performance of the algorithm is validated through simulation.

Committee: Professors Mohamed Younis (chair), Ryan Robucci and Tinoosh Mohsenin

Posted: July 17, 2012, 2:22 PM