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MDC3 update: UMBC teams make it past second qualifier round


Four out of the five UMBC teams who competed in the Maryland Cyber Challenge & Competition's (MDC3) second qualification round this weekend have made it through to the finals. These teams will compete at MDC3 2012 on October 17 at the Baltimore Convention Center.

Congratulations to all five UMBC teams who made it past the first qualifier round of this year's Maryland Cyber Challenge & Competition (MDC3), which took place the weekend of September 20-21. The five teams will move on to the second qualifier round this weekend. They will be up against teams from UMUC, UMCP, Towson, Capitol College, Montgomery College, and FSU. The MDC3 finals will be held at the Baltimore Convention Center from October 16-17. To learn more about the upcoming competition, visit the website.

Posted: October 1, 2012, 1:23 PM