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ISCOM talk: Freeman Hrabowski on Technology, Diversity and Lifelong Learning


Information Systems Council of Majors Speaker Series

Technology, Diversity and Lifelong Learning

Dr. Freeman Hrabowski
President, University of Maryland, Baltimore County

3:00-4:30pm Friday, 26 April 2013, ITE102

As an ongoing service to UMBC our student group, the Information Systems Council of Majors (ISCOM), has developed a speaker series to bring industry professionals, academic luminaries, and prominent regional figures to discuss topics relating to technology, education, or topics of the speakers choosing.

This month our very special guest is Dr. Freeman Hrabowski. He will meet with members of ISCOM and UMBC students who are interested in hearing him speak about diversity, lifelong learning and of course technology. There will be interactive sessions prior to his remarks and our President Tabitha Haverkamp will provide closing remarks.


Posted: April 14, 2013, 8:36 PM