ABC features UMBC cybersecurity student scholars

Jamie Costello from ABC’s Baltimore affiliate WMAR has a short video feature, UMBC is on a mission to crack the code, on UMBC students who are studying and doing research on the cybersecurity of computing hardware, software and systems.
If you walk through your door and notice your home computer in pieces scattered throughout the house, call UMBC.
In the old days, parents wanted their children to grow up to become doctors and lawyers, now its about becoming cyber security experts.
A select group of students at UMBC knew this was for them. Some tore computers apart. Some knocked XBOX players off their game on purpose. And one student, while in high school and with the school’s blessing, hacked into the school’s security camera system.
Jobs are like gnats on a summer night, college graduates are swatting the offers away. And the pay is good, really good.
Students are learning how to hack into systems and then prevent such attacks. They are studying hardware, software and tools in between. The more we invent and tie into the internet, the more cyber security experts are needed.
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Posted: June 3, 2017, 12:26 PM