Taylor Kidd


Professor of the Practice


322 Information Technology and Engineering (ITE) Building

Contact Info

University of Maryland, Baltimore County
1000 Hilltop Circle
Baltimore, MD 21250

email: tkidd1@umbc.edu

Research Areas

Internet of Things (IoT) and computer architectures


Professor Kidd has worked the gamut from being an electronics technician to being a university professor. His research work has included distributed heterogeneous computing, tracking and engineering education. His industrial experience ranges from system design to embedded Internet of Things (IoT), media applications to supercomputing systems. His academic background ranges from stochastic processes through controls, linear electronics through computer architecture, and operating systems through compiler design. He has worked as an electronic technician, mechanic, application programmer, standards representative, researcher, educator and more. He is currently a Professor of the Practice in the University of Maryland Baltimore County’s (UMBC’s) Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Department’s Computer Engineering Program. He teaches hands-on courses in computer architecture and embedded systems.